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Welcome Address

We are honored to have this year’s Welcome Address delivered by Professor Emily Roxworthy.

Emily RoxworthyEmily Roxworthy is the Interim Associate Vice Chancellor of Faculty DiveemilyRoxworthyrsity and Equity at UC San Diego as well as a theatre scholar whose work focuses on the performance of race in U.S. history and society. Among other writings, she is the author of an award-winning book and article about the World War II concentration camps that interned Japanese Americans, as well as director of an NEH-funded educational video game project called “Drama in the Delta,” which recreated the life of an interned Nisei girl in wartime Arkansas. Dr. Roxworthy also served for many years on UC San Diego’s Academic Senate Committee on Diversity and Equity (CDE) as well as serving as chair of the systemwide University Committee on Affirmative Action and Diversity (UCAAD). In 2013, the University of California Office of the President (UCOP) commissioned her to create an interactive theatre program to promote diversity leadership among department chairs and deans on all ten UC campuses, and she continues to perform the program for faculty audiences within the UC system and beyond with her theatre company Workplace Interactive Theatre. This work was the subject of her recent Founder’s Day symposium presentation titled “How Interactive Theatre Can Create Institutional Change.” Before becoming Interim AVC, Dr. Roxworthy served as Acting Provost of UCSD’s Thurgood Marshall College.